Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Should I get them?

Came across these not too long ago and fell in love with them instantly. With my shopaholic ways, I don't know if I should treat myself. Mind you, I have been extremely successful on eBay with getting rid of clothes I do not wear and I have managed to pay my credit card bill on time, I started my savings account and have been doing soooo good with not dipping into it, and lastly, I brought my girls some AWESOME gifts for their birthdays. This causes for a celebration !!!! Or does it? Such a dilemma. Help pleaseeee !These are wedged sneakers which I have recently become in love with


  1. yes you should :P

    great blog ! Would you like to follow each other ?

  2. I think you should. After all, you have cleared all your debts :)

    Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin, G+ and GFC?


  3. Love them :)

    Wanna follow each other?
    Let me know on my blog :)

    Keep in touch
